Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Lib dems give away more of our hard earned cash

Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has promised that Britain will double its spending commitments towards maternal health and child mortality in poor countries.
This promise was made to the United Nations, in which Mr Clegg called upon other nations to maintain their commitments to the millenium development goals.
The increased spending will amount to o.7% of gross national income by 2013.
This will amount to £400 million a year and also a further £350 million a year to tackle malaria.
Clegg went on to state that 50,000 mothers a year would be saved from death through childbirth, 250,000 child lives would be saved and ten million couples would be able to take advantage of family planning.
Am i the only one who believes this is just another example of how our government does not represent the interests of its own subjects. In a time of extreme impending budget cuts and unions threatening to bring the country to a standstill, why in the hell is the government doubling the budget of aid so other countries can create more aid dependant lives.
If you cant feed them dont breed them

Warning the taxman is coming!!!!

The taxman could soon be getting his hands on all our hard earned gross pay. Her majesty's revenue and customs has warned that it will be requiring details of gross pay to be sent directly by employers to a central computer.
The taxman would then deduct national insurance, income tax and any student loan repayments before putting the remaining money into our bank accounts.
This news should make us all feel extremely worried considering recent foul ups by the taxman. Millions of people are already fighting with the revenue and customs over errors from a computer glitch that has meant people having to make payments for miscalculated tax errors spanning over two years.
This is yet another example of the big brother state tightening its grip over British citizens. Hopefully sense will be restored when someone eventually questions the Taxman about what happens when inevitably the new computer system, database etc crashes etc. Imagine the worst case scenario, millions of workers not getting paid. Therefore bills, direct debits not getting paid, changes for being overdrawn could lead to financial meltdown.
Or imagine firebrand trade union leaders of present provoking the workers of Revenue and customs to go on strike, with no one getting paid because of a potential strike, they would be able to achieve total dominance over the government who would have to kow tow to their every demand.
lets just hope that this new idea just turns out to be a fantasy of an overzealous jobs worth

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Decriminalising the personal use of drugs such as cannabis could enable greater resources to be used to tackle organised criminal networks, a senior police officer has said.

Tim Hollis, chief constable of Humberside Police, said budget cuts had led to officers "prioritising" capabilities towards targeting high-level dealers above those caught with minor amounts of drugs for their own use, it was reported. He told The Observer: "We would rather invest our time in getting high-level criminals before the courts, taking money off them and removing their illicit gains rather than targeting young people." He continued: "We don't want to criminalise young people because, put bluntly, if we arrest young kids for possession of cannabis and put them before the courts we know what the outcome's going to be, so actually it's perfectly reasonable to give them words of advice or take it off them." The chairman of the Association of Chief Police Officers' drugs committee, called for a debate on whether alcohol and nicotine, both lawful drugs, should be incorporated into measures to fight illegal substances. Earlier this week, one of Britain's leading experts on cannabis proposed the idea of introducing a licence to smoke cannabis legally. Professor Roger Pertwee said making cannabis as available as alcohol would prevent drug-related crime, and reduce the chances of people being introduced to harder narcotics. But he cautioned that it might be necessary to prevent vulnerable individuals obtaining the drug. A Home Office spokesman said: "There is clear evidence that cannabis is a harmful drug which can cause damage to mental health in the immediate and longer-term. Even occasional use of cannabis can be dangerous for people with diseases of the circulatory system. "The Government does not believe decriminalisation of cannabis is the right approach. Our priorities are clear - we want to reduce drug use, crack down on drug-related crime and disorder and help addicts come off drugs for good."