Sunday, 17 October 2010
The end to welfare dependency in sight? Or are the Tories just using diluted BNP policies
At the core of the BNP's welfare policy is the belief that benefits are meant to be the state's obligation to support those who are genuinely not in a position to support themselves.This is a guiding principle that will ensure that the system will remain just and humane.
Britain faces a 192 billion Pounds a year bill for social security, with estimated cost of fraud at around 5 billion Pounds a year.
Labour's 13 year rule as led to socialist state induced welfare dependency, that as led to an idle nation. Ask any Polish immigrant why s/he is here, and s/he will tell you that British people are too lazy to work. I know this for a fact, after meeting many eastern European farm labourers, who have all said this. I have tried to argue the case for the British worker, but have sadly come to the same conclusion. The state has deliberately created welfare dependency to make it more profitable for British workers to stay in bed than go to work. Therefore if British workers wont work, the economy then needs immigrant workers to fill the void. Therefore maintaining the myth that the multicultural state is beneficial to Britain.
The existence of welfare dependency culture is evident from the fact that 6 million people live in homes where no one person works.
The BNP's policy on workfare not welfare, is the only way this country can destroy this dependency culture.
The principle is simple, those who receive support also incur obligations. People who genuinely want to work will be provided with the training to get them back into employment.If you receive benefits, you have to provide voluntary work for so many hours week. This should provide renewed motivation, to work rather than to be idle.This policy is about re-educating people to believe that you get money and self esteem from doing an honest days work for decent pay rather than waking up one morning and expecting the state to pay for your existence, just because you were born a British citizen.
There will be only one category for welfare entitlement, those who genuinely deserve it or have earned it. Those who can work but refuse to do so, must face the consequences of their own actions
The the workfare not welfare program as proven to be extremely successful in America, Australia and even in India
It is equally important that the burden of foreign scroungers be dealt with effectively. These so called asylum seekers, travel through Europe just to get to soft touch Britain, when they have travelled through numerous safe states. This practise must be stopped and one of the ways is to refuse benefits to asylum seeker's who have bypassed numerous safe states just to get here to rape our generosity.
The reason i have written this article, is because of the conservatives new right wing posturing over benefits. Which is ultimately to please increasingly unhappy conservative activists who are sick of Cameron's disgusting new labour socialist conservatism.
The new three strikes and your off benefits rule, has already been shown to be completely useless. Originally DWP officials stated that if you broke the new rule, the claimants benefits would be cut off. The DWP has now back tracked on this, saying that any penalty would depend on how much money the claimant has got, whether they had a family to support and the seriousness of the welfare abuse. This will allow fraudsters to be prosecuted but still claim some benefits, so in total just a complete waste of tax payers money.
new measures to cut fraud and reform the welfare system include:-
- A new national welfare investigation service ( yet another layer of bureaucracy and waste)
- a mobile task force of investigators who can swoop on hot spots of benefits abuse
- sharing data from public and private agencies to track professional fraudsters
- extra powers to seize assets of benefit cheats
Lord Freud said that " when people are convicted we will get back the money we are owed, introduce tough punishments". Now this statement is a load of rubbish if a person is receives benefits in the first place, they must either have no employment or earn below an income band to get additional welfare payouts. In affect any money that has to be paid back in the event of a conviction for fraud will come from welfare payments that the fraudster will still be receiving. The state will not get anything back, it will actually lose money, in fees for prosecution ( courts fees and legal aid) and employment of state officials to investigate the fraud.
It is yet another increase in the big brother state, spying on the activities of people on benefits rather than changing welfare attitudes.
Ultimately the new system will fail, because welfare dependant culture will carry on, fraudsters will just up their game trying to not to get caught out.
That's why the BNP policy on workfare is the only viable option, it will change the culture of dependency and idleness. combined with the BNP's economic policy ( developing British industry and making the country as self sufficient as possible) their will be work for British people, decent work not just flipping burgers.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Budgets for voluntary groups in Ashfield are to be slashed
Nottinghamshire County council have written to voluntary and community groups in Nottinghamshire to inform them their funding will be dramatically reduced.
Islamic face veil part of the British way of life
The Think tank report by Civitas, concludes that the Islamic face veil is a part of being British, and should be celebrated in the same way as the crucifix.
The author of the report, Alveena Malik (not surprisingly a faith advisor to the previous bloody labour government) notes that the test for whether a religious symbol is whether it is practical.
The report "Women, Islam and western liberalism" goes on to announce that Britain needs to avoid the direction of the rest of Europe in denouncing face veils and fully support face veil. And that to wear a religious symbols is a fundamental human right. The religious symbol would fail if it prevented the person from performing their public civic duties.
Most people in this country are completely against face veils, because it does oppress women. I imagine most western women want to ban it, because they fear the tide of islamification forcing the veil upon them also.
My opinion if the veil is that is oppressive not just to the women ( and male terrorists) that wear them, but that it is also oppressive to people who have to see it. It makes the average person weary, if not intimidated by the darth vaderesque outfit.It also makes me sad to be English, in that most of the wider society want the veil banned, but our pathetic liberal politicians just cant find the courage to do anything that might offend.
And if it were down to them, western civilisation would be lost to this medieval desert religion.
The conservative government should therefore propose a referendum on the veil, and should abide by the wishes of the people. Or go even further than that and ask the electorate to decide on whether they support immigration, whether they want immigrants in our country at all? If this had happened in 1948 many of the problems of the late 20th century and to the present day could have been avoided, for example no 7/7 London bombings, this country would not then have had apparently "British", home grown muslim terrorists.
Islamic Radicals Infiltrate the Labour Party
The labour Party is in meltdown in Tower Hamlets where the party's attempt to prevent its own former council leader,Luftur Rahman, becoming elected mayor of the east London borough on the 21st October virtually guarantees his triumph in the polls.
Luftur has become an embarrassment to the labour party because of his alleged links to the jihad loving fundamentalist Islamic forum of Europe, which pulls the strings at the East London Mosque. This was reported by the channel 4 Dispatches programme back in February.
The Islamic forum of Europe which believes in jihad and Sharia law, and wants turn Europe and Britain into Islamic states, has placed sympathisers into elected offices. They claim correctly that they can mass mobilise Muslim voters to vote for their preferred candidates and parties
In February it was reported in the Daily Telegraph that the then labour minister for the environment Jim Fitzpatrick, stated that the Islamic forum of Europe had become a secret group within the labour party and other political parties.
“They are acting almost as an entryist organisation, placing people within the political parties, recruiting members to those political parties, trying to get individuals selected and elected so they can exercise political influence and power, whether it’s at local government level or national level,” he said.
- IFE activists boasted to the undercover reporters that they had already “consolidated … a lot of influence and power” over Tower Hamlets, a London borough council with a £1 billion budget.
- We have established that the group and its allies were awarded more than £10 million of taxpayers’ money, much of it from government funds designed to “prevent violent extremism”.
- IFE leaders were recorded expressing opposition to democracy, support for sharia law or mocking black people. The IFE organised meetings with extremists, including Taliban allies, a man named by the US government as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and a man under investigation by the FBI for his links to the September 11 attacks.
- Moderate Muslims in London told how the IFE and its allies were enforcing their hardline views on the rest of the local community, curbing behaviour they deemed “un-Islamic”. The owner of a dating agency received a threatening email from an IFE activist, warning her to close it.
- George Galloway, a London MP, admitted in recordings obtained by this newspaper that his surprise victory in the 2005 election owed more to the IFE “than it would be wise – for them – for me to say, adding that they played a “decisive role” in his triumph at the polls.
While Luftur was council leader research has shown that mysterious grants were given to IFE supporting groups, whilst funding for other secularist groups was stopped or cut.
An incident which caused much outrage was the abandonment of funding for the heritage trail along the famous Brick Lane area. The funds were then transferred to build the controversial "hijab sculpture", which angered many local residents, who saw it as further islamification of their country.
Because of dispatches program, Luftur was ousted as Labour group and council leader. He then put his name forward for nomination as the party's mayoral candidate and labour have removed twice already from their candidate lists. Luftur went to court to remain on the list and then romped home in a poll of local party members. Labour's national executive committee then dumped him as candidate. Then Luftur declared himself as an independent, similar to Red Ken Livingstone in 2000 in the London mayoral election.
Luftur's replacement as council leader, Helal Abbas has little democratic legitimacy with only 157 votes from local membership he came third to Luftur's 433 votes. In second place was John Biggs with 251 votes who unlike Abbas comes with no embarrassing baggage. But was passed over allegedly because he was WHITE!!!
Abbas a former bankrupt, is notorious for lining his own pockets. Back in 2003 he awarded himself a 49% rise in allowances, how civic minded of him.
It appears from this article, that extreme left wing communists within the Labour Party want to get into the political bed with extreme Islam. This is a short sighted tool for exploiting the muslim vote.
Extreme Islam is at complete odds with communism. In the middle east, state's have used Islamic fundamentalism to combat the rise of communism within the state. This is because of fundamentalism in itself rejects democracy and equality, which is what communism is supposed to achieve ( theoretically but generally just totalitarianism ). The two cannot operate with each other. Communism requires that the working classes be united, the Islamic state will not let the people unite independently outside of Islamic institutions. True equality can never be achieved also because women and infidels have second class citizens within Islam.
Therefore at some point when the communists and the fundamentalists have extracted all that they need from each other, there will be inevitable blood shed as two the cannot exist together in the long term.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
A group of eminent Chinese Communist Party veterans is calling for an end to the country's wide-ranging restrictions on free speech.
The call comes just days after the government reacted angrily to the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to imprisoned dissident Liu Xiaobo.
In an open letter posted online, the retired officials state that although China's 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech, the right is constrained by laws and regulations that should be scrapped.
"This kind of false democracy of affirming in principle and denying in actuality is a scandal in the history of democracy," said the letter, which was dated Monday and widely distributed by e-mail.
Wang Yongcheng, a retired professor at Shanghai's Jiaotong University who signed the letter, said it had been inspired by the recent arrest of a journalist who wrote about corruption in the resettlement of farmers for a dam project.
"We want to spur action toward governing the country according to law," Wang said.
"If the constitution is violated, the government will lack legitimacy. The people must assert and exercise their legitimate rights," he said.
Coming on top of Liu's Nobel Prize, the letter further spotlights China's tight restrictions on freedom of speech and other civil rights, although Wang said the two events were not directly related.
Work on the letter began several days before the prize was awarded, and drafters decided against including a reference to Liu out of concern the government would block its circulation.
Liu, a 54-year-old literary critic, is now in the second year of an 11-year prison term after being convicted of inciting subversion over his role in writing an influential 2008 manifesto for political reform.
Town Hall pension pay outs cost taxpayer £6.3 Billion
It has been revealed that each household last year paid £300 towards council employee's pension bill of £6.3 Billion.
This is down to a massive increase in public employed staff during the labour governments reign, to try and shore up the unemployment figures by creating non jobs. By non jobs I mean red tape, bureaucratic administrative roles, paper pushing whatever you want to call it, basically wasting taxpayers money.
Those entitled to a pension rocketed to 1.2 million in 2009/10 up 46% from 20005/06
Payouts from the Local Government Pension Scheme are now more than four times higher than when Labour came to power in 1997. Emma Boon, of The TaxPayers’ Alliance, warned that the scheme faces a £53billion deficit.She added: “Swift and firm reforms are essential to stop these costs escalating further out of control in the long-term, and lighten the load on council budgets in the short-term. The scheme needs to move away from defined benefits to defined contributions and employee contributions need to be increased.” Whitehall insiders believe a fifth of the £6.3billion paid in pensions last year came from taxpayers.
The figures, released by the Department for Communities and Local Government, showed contributions from the scheme’s 1.7 million members rose by three per cent to £2billion. A further £2.6billion came from the scheme’s £132billion investment fund.
Sir Steve Bullock, of the Local Government Association, said the scheme was different from others in the public sector because staff make significant contributions. He added: “We need to make sure it meets the challenges of an ageing population. “It needs to be sustainable to provide a decent pension for workers and remain fair to taxpayers and employers.”
Liberal Democrat MP Arrested over Sex Assault
Mr Hancock MP for Portsmouth South, has been arrested for allegedly indecently assaulting a female constituent. The constituent made the complaint on the 24th of September, after going to Mr Hancock for help with a constituency problem. Mr Hancock a married father of two denies the allegations against him. The police have released the MP on bail until January.
Mr Hancock has vowed to continue his work as an MP and councillor for Portsmouth during the police investigation.
In my opinion because the alleged complaint occurred whilst the MP was conducting constituency work, it is only decent that MR Hancock stand down until the investigation is completed.
Want to find out more about corrupt and perverse MP's and local councillors in Britain from the three main parties, then follow this link
Saturday, 9 October 2010
The welfare state ruining the British economy
I have copied this article from the Daily Mail, it coincides with the release of a press article from Amber Valley BNP, in which they discovered Polish only job adverts. It's essential to point out here that I do blame the employers. I blame the welfare state for making a growing minority in this country to lazy to work.
When chip shop boss Greg Walker began his search for a new assistant, there were certain qualities he was looking for.
They had to be hard-working, and punctual, willing to learn the ropes on the minimum wage – and be able to speak Romanian.
The bizarre request was included in an advert Mr Walker placed at his local JobCentre in Hockley near Southend, Essex.
He inserted it after a previous attempt to recruit staff attracted applicants who were not interested in the job.
But it has caused such a stir – with local residents flooding BBC Radio Essex with complaints – that the offending line had to be removed and an investigation has been launched.
Defending his request Mr Walker, 28, said: ‘I don’t feel I have done anything wrong. I have a Romanian worker here already who has been here a year.
'It would have aided communication if they spoke Romanian too. But he does speak English and an English person could work here as well.'
Mr Walker also insisted he was only trying to make the job appeal ‘to a wider audience’.
‘I was discussing it with the JobCentre and I said I have got a Romanian member of staff here so it gives the Romanian community a chance to come and work here,’ he added.
‘Everyone is getting upset, saying I only want Romanians, but it didn’t say that. It said it was an advantage.’
So far no one has applied for the 45-hour-a-week position, which pays the national minimum wage of £5.93 an hour.
Mr Walker’s father Colin, 64, who owns the business, said: ‘The last time we advertised we had three people turn up from the JobCentre.
‘It was clear they did not want the job. All we want is someone who wants the job.’
Source: The Daily Mail
Common sense prevails in Birmingham

Birmingham City Council ( The largest in the country) has declared that asylum seekers will be put to the back of the queue when it comes to providing housing. Birmingham CC stated that this was due to sharp rises in homelessness due to the recession.
Judges told not to call gypsies, wait for it...... Gypsies

Judges have been told not to call Gypsies, "Gypsies" because of the potential to offend the so called travelling community. The guidelines are produced by the judicial studies board, to comply with the Equality bill.
These are listed as ethnic minorities, minority faith groups, people with disabilities, women, children, older people, gays and lesbians, transgender people and ‘those who through poverty or for any other reason are socially or economically marginalised’.
Yet again sensitivities of the minority must ride rough shod over the wishes of the majority indigenous population of this nation. Many in this country are fed up with the gypsy community moving on to their village greens and supermarket car parks, and the police being powerless to remove them, because of laws such as the Equality Bill.
I never thought I would I would ever hear myself saying this, but well done to the French. Who in September started to deport some of the Roma Gypsy community because of a shocking 358% increase in Gypsy related crime. Obviously the over used and farcical Nazi smear was used against the French nation, specifically by the far left EU chief Viviane Reding, who called on the EU to impose sanctions of France for this perfectly legal deportation action.
The legal status of Gypsies from Romania and Bulgaria — who are the centre of the storm — is governed by EU regulations which state that if a non-Schengen area national has been in an EU state for more than three months and has no job or no proof of substantial means on which to support themselves, they can be deported at any moment.
Friday, 8 October 2010
Half a world away, American drones in Pakistan kill several German Islamists, Pakistani authorities have said, and ordinary people in Europe feel the tremors. It raises the alarm on this side of the world.
The EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove, in an interview with euronews, says terrorism is on the move, and calls for better sharing of information to stop potentially dangerous travellers.
De Kerchove: “Al Qaeda wants to attack us hard because they’re still under coalition pressure in Afghanistan, drone attacks. So, they’re looking to project a high profile image through pulling off some major action. What is worrying us the most is extremists entering Europe or the United States, people who were born here or who have one of our member states’ passports, who can therefore slip under the police and intelligence services’ radar. They travel to their holy war zones, whether that’s Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen where we saw an attack last December, or sub-Saharan Africa.”
“Since the ‘jihadists’ travel easily from one country to another, the threat is much more spread out, complex. So, we have to improve how we collect information on people. We have an agreement with the Americans for tracking financial transactions, and the question that’s come up now is whether Europe should have a system like that to collect information on passengers. It raises some questions about privacy that the European Parliament is very concerned about. But as the person in charge, along with several national people in charge, I consider that with this new threat we need new tools, and the PNRPassenger Name Record is just that. We should have it to try to follow the jihadists’ movements.”
Stalemate in the Afghan conflict

Afghanistan remains what some call a theatre of war but behind the scenes all sides are said to be talking about how an eventual peace could play out.
The Afghan government will still have to deal with the Taliban long after foreign troops are gone.
The dealing has already started. The government can offer money, jobs and political posts in return for the Taliban laying down their arms.
When the US-led invasion swept aside Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers, few thought the Taliban would be in a position to negotiate nine years later.
While another war was being fought in Iraq, they regrouped.
In the last three years, the insurgency has intensified and expanded, killing US and NATO troops at a faster rate than at any time since the war began.
“They are very bold. For the last two years, the Taliban have had no reason to hide. So they have been out in the open,” said US intelligence officer Matthew Crawford.
The Taliban is still very much alive at both ends of its operational scale. Recruiting footsoldiers ready for jihad is proving no problem.
And the Quetta Shura, the group’s senior leadership, is based out of reach of foreign fire in Pakistan.
All of which makes a purely military victory unlikely, as Afghan political analyst Haroon Mir explains:
“In any insurgency like the current insurgency in Afghanistan, as long as the Taliban leadership remain in safe havens, in sanctuaries inside Pakistan, they receive financial, logistical support and they could freely move around Pakistan. It is very difficult to defeat this insurgency just by killing rank and file and low level Taliban fighters.”
After nine years, it is military stalemate in Afghanistan. A negotiated settlement looks the most likely prospect. If the Taliban can survive against foreign troops, it will still be in the mix once they have left.
Talks on where they will fit into that mix seem to have already begun.
source: euronews