"We cant go on together with suspicious minds, and we cant build our dreams on suspicious minds".
Saturday, 30 April 2011
The BNP fights back against Spies, trouble causers and fake nationalist parties
Although he speaks 'mockney', Eddy Butler's own biography shows his upper-middle-class origins and explains the mystery of why he ends up speaking 'posh' whenever he gets drunk. Born in Bloomsbury in 1962, he lived initially in Harrow-on-the-Hill in north London, with a year spent in Chicago in the United States as a small boy, before his family settled in Wallington, Surrey. Butler went on to attend Whitgift School in Croydon before his family moved north and he went to Stockport Grammar School.
While in the sixth form at Stockport Grammar, he joined the National Front after first sending off for an information pack following the NF’s Party Political Broadcast for the 1979 General Election. He claims to have been involved with the Stockport Group and participated in activities with the Manchester branch.
In 1981 Butler went to Queen Mary College, University of London and graduated with a degree in History and Politics in 1984. While at university he became Organiser of Tower Hamlets National Front.
Asian girlfriends and mysterious protection
At the same time, Pat Harrington, who was also at university in London, became the focus of a nationwide far-left campaign to deny him his right to an education on account of his involvement with the Front. Why was no parallel campaign launched against Butler? Did the left-wingers at his college 'forgive' him because he made a habit of going out with Asian girls? Or was he already protected in a pattern that will become even clearer in due course?
Butler says he spent three years in the Territorial Army at this time. Again, there is no record of any complaints or campaign. (By contrast, the Cambridge student newspaper and left ran a series of attacks on Nick Griffin's involvement in the TA while at Cambridge just a couple of years before.)
In his biography, Butler claims that while in the National Front he contributed regular articles to their monthly magazine ‘Nationalism Today’. This is simply untrue. He had a couple of articles published, but no more. As with Ray Hill, Butler's self-serving account of his nationalist activities is repeatedly exaggerated to make him sound more important than he really was.
By 1986 the National Front was mired by infighting, while the BNP was on the point of collapse. While the division in the NF was partly ideological, it was triggered by bitter arguments over the position of the party's head of administration, Ian Anderson. The party was sinking into debt and demoralisation on account of Anderson's incompetence, petty theft and habitual lying.
Nick Griffin, Derek Holland and Pat Harrington led a majority of the governing body who demanded action against Anderson. A minority, including Andrew Brons, objected to his dismissal, claiming that there wasn't enough evidence against him and maintaining that he was being unfairly treated.
Everyone expected Butler and the influential Tower Hamlets branch to back the Anderson faction as he was regarded as sharing Butler's 'populist' political position. Had they done so, the 'Flag' NF would have emerged the clear winner from the time of division.
Given that both the Flag NF and Butler and the rest of the Tower Hamlets branch all agreed that careful and moderate electioneering was the way forward, everyone was amazed when Butler persuaded Tower Hamlets NF to defect to the BNP, which at that time under Tyndall was openly neo-fascist and had the electoral appeal and nous of a dead frog.
Bad judgement – or bad egg?
Even when the later breakthrough came in Millwall, it was in the wrong party, and Tyndall failed totally – and predictably – to build on the success. Butler's tactic of joining the wrong party (which he glosses over in his account by failing to point out the reality of the three-way division in the movement at the time) put back the cause of electoral nationalism by a decade. Was this in line with Ray Hill's 'divide-and-keep-insignificant' policy, or just another one of Butler's ego-driven errors of judgement?
Despite the BNP handicap, however, racial tensions in East London were such that, armed with local campaigning techniques developed in the community politics theories of the Nationalism Today team who had formed the backbone of the NF between 1981 and 1986, Tower Hamlets BNP and Butler won the Millwall council by-election in September 1993.
By this time, the BNP had taken over as the main nationalist party, following the final fragmentation of the rival National Fronts at the end of the 1980s and Ian Anderson's theft of the largest bequest ever received by the nationalist movement in Britain.
State-run disruption campaign
The victory in Millwall created an immediate response in terms of subversion from the far-left and the State. Butler himself agrees with Nick Griffin's old analysis of Combat 18 (when editor of the Rune magazine, Mr Griffin was the first person to put into print criticism of Combat 18 and to call it for what it was). In his own potted biography, Butler refers to ‘efforts by the state established gang called C18 to disrupt the BNP in the aftermath of the Millwall victory. The state agents who controlled C18 played upon the fears of the younger element ... They were told by C18 that the BNP no longer wanted them, as the BNP was going respectable’.
In addition to later-proven State grasses such as Charlie Sargent, Combat 18 was also manipulated by several individuals who later turned out to be working for Searchlight, including Darren Wells.
According to his own account, from 1990 to 2009, Butler worked in the finance department of the Corporation of the City of London (not the most obvious use for a History degree, but there you go). This brings us again to the question of who has been protecting Butler, and why. He always claimed that the flexi-time, good pay and long holidays of this job left him free to do almost as much politics as he wanted.
Various local BNP campaigners have been targeted at work in jobs as 'lowly' as emptying the bins or even digging graves. But Butler never had any trouble. He was supposed to be the architect of the party's election strategy in London and the South East. He has a track record for involvement in political violence and headlines. One incident led to Searchlight making the following comment: ‘When Butler was running the BNP’s “rights for whites” campaign in the East End in the early 1990s he and a team of thugs laid into a group of anti-fascists with hammers and other weapons.’
Heavy violence, in other words, yet there was never once a single demonstration, or even a call for people to complain, over his position in the training department of the multi-ethnic workforce of the Corporation of the City of London.
It's preposterous! Butler was clearly protected, allowed to keep his 'job' because it left him free to be a key player in the BNP. The only question is whether he was protected by Searchlight and the far more powerful forces ultimately behind its pro-Zionist, anti-nationalist agenda, or whether his Sugar Daddies are in the Metropolitan Police and he is one of the ‘turned agents’ in the party to whom mainstream newspaper reports of the Met's undercover squads make explicit reference.
Despite being hypercritical of Tyndall's slow response to Combat 18, Butler stayed with the party throughout that period when its fortunes were in decline. It was only three years later, when Tyndall's Spearhead magazine had followed Griffin's Rune in confronting C18, and the gang of thugs had turned in on themselves, that Butler now decided to leave the BNP.
More divisiveness from the Usual Suspect
Yet again, therefore, he jumped ship and perpetuated division in the movement just at a time when there was actually far more unity than usual. The pattern repeats itself over and over with Butler. Again, we have to ask, is he working to someone else's agenda, or does he just have an absolutely lousy sense of judgement and timing?
He started by slagging off Tyndall's leadership to all the other key officials. At one stage this led to Tyndall being at odds with his entire leadership team. Butler tried very hard indeed to persuade John Morse (one of the Useful Idiots who had followed Ray Hill into the newly formed BNP from the British Movement) to stand against Tyndall for the leadership.
In the end, Morse was either too loyal or too scared to challenge Tyndall, but Butler had done quite a bit of damage with a tactic he has since used again and again, in trying to incite wholly unsuitable 'challengers' to put themselves forward for leadership contests which he then uses as an excuse for an orgy of mud-throwing.
While Tyndall deserved criticism for his handling of the party, Butler's attacks on him were so blatant and troublesome, and his constant talk of going off to form something else led 'J.T.' to condemn Butler as ‘a butterfly’. Teaming up with a few posh voices, Butler left the party in 1996 quit to form the Bloomsbury Forum with a number of others.
The Bloomsbury Forum was designed to bridge the gap between the nationalist right and the right-wing fringes of the Conservative Party. That Butler thought this was possible is proof he is a tactical cretin; that he thought it desirable shows that ideologically, if he is ‘on the right’ at all, he is an old imperial Tory and not a proper nationalist.
Despite having left the party, however, Butler continued to try to interfere in its affairs (as it turns out, for the good, but Tyndall didn't see it like that at the time!). He wrote articles for the independent magazine Patriot. Patriot's message of 'moderate' nationalism was necessary, but Butler from the very beginning wanted to go way beyond the switch from the unworkable policy of forced repatriation to voluntary resettlement (a policy which Tyndall was forced to adopt as a result of Nick Griffin's seminal Spearhead article 'No Time For Peter Pan'). Butler's proposal of 'minimalist nationalism' wanted to abandon principle altogether as 'unnecessary baggage'.
In the late 1990s, Nick Griffin challenged John Tyndall for the party leadership, which he duly won in 1999. Butler was brought back into the party on the recommendation of Tony Lecomber. It soon became clear, however, that Butler and a small group of allies in the party had only backed Nick Griffin in order to use him to get rid of Tyndall (a man who, for all his faults, was far bigger than them) with the intention of then moving against the new leader before his position was fully consolidated.
Groundless claims, big ambitions
Within months of the election, Butler was one of a small clique of ambitious subordinate officials who started making groundless claims of financial irregularity in an attempt to force Nick Griffin to hand over control of the party to a committee – run, of course, by them! They also did their level best to frighten members into creating a financial crisis by claiming that the party was about to go bankrupt. Their black propaganda campaign destroyed the BNP in the West Midlands and damaged it severely in some other places, but Nick Griffin kept going, and the rebellion fizzled out as they always do.
Twelve years later, Butler is still trying the same tricks, and the end result is going to be the same.
When the attempt to lie their way into power failed, Butler and his cronies went off to form the short-lived Freedom Party. As well as taking an ultra-soft line on immigration, it was also very vocal in the thoroughly un-nationalist idea that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the banking system.
Butler and his allies condemned the traditional nationalist position against the banks as a 'funny money' doctrine. Curiously, he's said nothing about this since the introduction of Quantitative Easing proved that real nationalists had been right all along about the banks creating credit out of thin air and screwing the productive economy for interest.
The British National Party starts winning elections, first in Burnley's all-out council contests, then in first-past-the-post by-election campaigns run by Nick Griffin in Blackburn and Halifax. Butler snipes from the sidelines as his own party disintegrates.
When the British National Party showed it could win seats, Butler abandoned the people he'd encouraged to split away and begged to be allowed to rejoin the BNP.
Despite Butler’s previous dishonesty, and conscious of how division does weaken the Cause, Nick Griffin let him back and, after a good election result in Broxbourne, made him National Elections Officer again.
Butler was among those quietly angling for a leadership challenge in the run-up to the council elections in May. A string of great results for the party killed off such speculation.
Renewed speculation about a leadership challenge received some extra weight when the BNP’s then cultural officer, Jonathan Bowden (an old ally of Butler in the Bloomsbury Forum and Freedom Party, whom Nick Griffin had also given the benefit of the doubt and a position in the party), announced that he would support a challenge,
Bowden's outburst came after Nick Griffin issued proscription notices prohibiting BNP members from associating with the New Right Group after it had held a meeting, co-hosted by Bowden, which was addressed by Lady Michele Renouf, a close confidante and backer of David Irving. Butler was firmly behind his old friend Bowden, but kept behind the scenes as far as possible.
The attitude of the Butler camp to such things is always an attempt to have their cake and eat it: the leadership is wrong to give the media opportunities to talk about 'Holocaust denial', but also wrong to take measures to enforce commonsense restrictions on individuals whose antics are used by the media to damage the party.
In Butler's ‘Through the Looking-Glass’ Humpty Dumpty view of the BNP, words mean only what he says they mean, and he'll say anything to anyone to further his own agenda.
Butler also kept out of the firing line in 2007, as a plot developed by a clique centred around Sadie Graham (later responsible for the unforgivable treason of leaking the BNP membership list) and Kenny Smith, with lesser bit parts played by people such as Chris Beverley, who had recently run the party's merchandising wing into the ground.
Ostensibly focussed on the 'rebels’' hatred for Mark Collett (now, of course, Butler's right hand man, with all the hatred – for now – put to one side), the plot ended with their publishing two bogus British Nationalist membership bulletins.
‘Mediating’ – to make things worse
Butler stepped forward and offered to 'mediate', but strangely his 'efforts' made matters worse. Unable to secure any kind of agreement, Nick Griffin ended up obtaining a High Court injunction to prevent the rebels using or leaking the membership list. In the end, Graham and her boyfriend Matt Single leaked it anyway, but a number of Butlerites still want them back. Meanwhile, Butler continues to snipe about the costs of a court case that had to be undertaken precisely because his 'negotiations' – whether by accident or design – failed to resolve the problem more sensibly.
In the run-up to the European Elections in 2009, Butler's deceitful disruptiveness was noticed more and more widely. Everyone at the top knew that, despite being head of the Elections Department, Butler was hoping for a bad election result because it would encourage a challenge to Nick Griffin’s leadership.
Seen in this context, Butler’s order to Regional Organisers not to bother chasing postal votes, and not to bother sealing the ballot boxes each day as the postal votes were counted, is very suspicious.
After the double victory (which occurred because North West regional organiser Clive Jefferson overrode Butler's electorally suicidal commands), Nick Griffin spoke to various key figures about what to do with Butler.
Emma Colgate was known to be very close to him and advised that his fractiousness and lying was all due to his ‘not feeling valued’. With her assurance that ‘Eddy will be better if you show him you trust him’, Nick Griffin did just that. This, of course, turned out to be a mistake which Mr. Griffin says he will never repeat again.
Another such not-to-be-repeated mistake was to allow Butler to 'mediate' in a staff dispute that had arisen between three members of staff and Jim Dowson at the party's temporary overspill admin base in Stroud. Simon Darby was given part of this job and, with the pair of former staff workers with whom he negotiated, the issue was quickly and easily dealt with to the relative satisfaction of all. The case that Butler undertook to sort out, however, went disastrously hostile and remains another one of the court issues that he uses to snipe against the current leadership. A bit rich, given his role in winding up the problem in the first place.
In March 2010, just prior to the General Election, Butler was relieved of his positions in the party and his well-paid job on Nick Griffin's European staff. This resulted from evidence of his close involvement in a campaign of subversion with Mark Collett and Butler’s withholding from the Treasury of more than 10,000 Euros in cash – money which Collett claimed would be used to fund a proposed 'hit' on the party's then fundraiser, Jim Dowson.
Collett wanted Dowson killed primarily because he had intervened to stop Collett handling the placing of big party leaflet orders, saying that he was getting cash kickbacks for doing so.
Collett also explained how he and Butler planned after the election to threaten Nick Griffin with false ‘evidence’ of financial wrongdoing and a massive smear campaign unless he would resign the leadership and go off quietly to concentrate on being an MEP. The then Treasurer was asked to refuse to defend Nick Griffin when he was to be falsely accused of stealing £200,000. According to Collett, ‘Eddy thinks Griffin will accept.’
The plan, you will probably already have noticed, was a carbon copy of what Butler and his clique tried in 2001. The tape of Collett’s revelations was sent to West Yorkshire police, but despite several former police officers who listened to it saying that there was clear evidence of law-breaking, at least by Collett, the police later announced that they would not be taking any action against Butler’s key ally.
This came on top of months of black propaganda lies by Butler directed against Nick Griffin and those Butler regarded as the leadership's valuable allies. Ironically, given their now close co-operation, his main targets at the time were Jim Dowson (Butler even stole a pen drive form Dowson's home, only handing it back when threatened with legal action if he allowed any of its contents to be published) and Paul Golding. For a while, Butler had nothing good to say about them. Now, however, he is calling for them all to bury the hatchet and get together to 'starve out' the party's democratically elected leader.
Curiously, the question of how Butler funds his politicking and his unorthodox family lifestyle again raised its head during this period. With his income down to one-third of what it had been in March, by June people in his area were asking him how he could afford to keep going. His reply was that ‘They're so incompetent they're still paying me.’ This was a lie.
When the lie wore too thin for anyone to wear, he then produced a totally new tale about a large family bequest. Maybe, but isn't it obvious that there's a track record going back twenty years here? Someone is paying Butler to do what he does. And, self-evidently, whoever it is, they are not friends of the British nation!
Busy with his lie-filled blog, Butler yet again showed either his utter contempt for his nationalist audience or a breathtaking lack of grasp on political reality when he proposed 'unity' between the UK Independence Party, the British National Party and the various smaller groups ‘on the patriotic, nationalistic, “right-wing”, populist, non-politically correct, identity-related side of the spectrum’. These smaller groups included the ultra-civic English Democrats and the street-brawling English Defence League.
Such a party would, he claimed, ‘have over 30,000 members’ and ‘instantly be a major force in British politics’. It was also, of course, a ridiculous and unobtainable pipedream. As former National Elections Officer, Butler knows perfectly well that UKIP's leadership have repeatedly rejected both sincere and tactically offered proposals for even an electoral pact with the British National Party.
There is not the faintest possibility of such a thing happening, just as there is no prospect of any party that fights elections hooking up with the EDL. So why make such ridiculous proposals? In order to sucker the inexperienced and naive into thinking that his calls for 'nationalist reconciliation' are sincere – despite coming as they do from someone who has done more to divide the movement than anyone over a disruptive thirty-year career of subversion and disruption.
To find out more about Eddy Butler and information about the fake nationalist safety valve parties UKIP and the English Democrats follow this link.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Are schools failing Black pupils or is Black culture failing pupils?
Dr Tony Sewell
Black pupils are missing out on places at top universities, not because of discrimination as argued by David Cameron, but because state schools aren't giving Black pupils the correct skills for University interviews. http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/241175/Schools-fail-black-pupils-. Obviously Dr Tony Sewell is completely unbiased, and thats why the mainstream media is reporting his findings, or his he?
Dr Sewell is director of London based charity Generating Genius, which aims to get working class black and mixed race kids into higher education. Dr Sewell also supports the Hutchinson Foundation "The Hutchinson Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organisation founded to provide financial support for male teachers from African-Caribbean origins. The object is to increase the numbers of these teachers, who are able to provide positive role models to young black males at a critical time in their development.
These boys have been identified as one the most alienated groups within our society and progress in this area has the potential to dramatically improve the lives of the individuals involved, as well as providing benefits to schools and society in general".
The reason Dr Sewell supports the Hutchinson Foundation "Black students are 3 times more likely to be excluded from school, than other groups, more black young men go to prison than University. In the face of these alarming statistics, it is evident that we need more black male teachers. This scholarship is a fantastic idea and will certainly help to turnaround the tide of under achievement."
Dr Sewell during the the last general election caused quite a bit controversy with the group operation Black vote,http://operationblackvote.wordpress.com/2010/09/24/sewell-blame-black-boys-for-underachievement/ when he denied that institutional racism was the reason that Black males failed to achieve in schools. The explanation for such under achievement, was the fault of poor parenting, peer pressure and the inability to be responsible for their own behaviour.
Dr Sewell also stated whilst focusing on black parents and anti racists he says:
Lee Jasper of Operation Black Vote ( Race Campaigner, also organised Black Panther course's in the UK in the 1980's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Jasper) stated that "The reality of institutional racism is its effects in terms of economic exclusion, increases in rates of poverty and unemployment, growing racism in the dispensation of criminal justice, the scandal of the failure of poor sink schools, low teacher expectations, motivation and tenure along with the pervasive reality of racism in wider society which demonizes black children. These are the real reasons behind the educational failure of our children.”
No doubt Mr Jasper would have obtained these views, whilst working with extreme groups that he has been associated with, as with all Marxist's there has to be a deep societal explanation for a person's or groups lack of achievement or social progression, rather than it simply being the fault of the person, or characteristically a trait of a group.
So actually if you agree with Dr Sewell, rather than the extremist Jasper, has i do, it isn't discrimination or racism that is holding back black pupils, it's there own culture. The peer pressure element derives mainly from damaging elements of black inner city street culture. One only has to look at the music currently being produced in Britain and in the States for examples of that culture. Lyrics in Black street music contain mostly topics concerning drugs, guns, rape, pimps..... the list goes on. If you were take trip into most city centers and had a brief look around you would see elements of that Black street culture evident everywhere you looked, what Cameron described as "Hoodies" is the best example. It is this culture of violence, drugs and sex that is appealing more to Black male pupils, and also sadly White male pupils (who have been spoon fed the acceptance of this culture with the constant brainwashing of the mainstream media), than educational advancement. So rather than universities or the educational system failing Black pupils, is it not modern black culture that is failing them, and not just them but indigenous children as well ?
What is more worrying about this story, is that Operation Black vote are having a significant impact on the British politics. There is a constant need to consistently appeal to ethnic minority voters, who in most inner city wards have the power to alter the representation of a ward on a whim, rather than traditional or class voting allegiances as in the past. This would explain why David Cameron would attack an institution such as Oxford University, http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/240097/240097 to ferment favour with Ethnic minority groups, just in time for elections on May 5th, a coincidence? I think not.
This is a problem not just with the Conservative party but also with Labour. This is evident from Margaret Hodge's Campaign in Barking during the general election, deliberately using racial and religous tensions and the ethnic vote to her advantage. Please watch this video
In conclusion to this short article, in answer to the question is Dr Sewell biased? The answer is yes, Obviously. And this is a bias on racial grounds, Sewell is trying to further the academic performance of his racial stock, as there are only limited places at universities, this must be at the expense of our own indigenous gifted children.There is no mention of indigenous gifted working class children being groomed for the top universities, only black children. Sewell's moderate bias is much more palatable than the extreme views espoused by the organisers of Operation Black Vote ( obv.org.uk Please view this website, it is most alarming). The question, would Nick Griffin in his role as leader of the BNP, (which is the only political voice for the indigenous population of this Country) be allowed to say such things about indigenous working class children? The answer to that question would be no, it would be labelled as racist by the mainstream media and the political sheep that rule us. The view of the British national Party on this issue, is that people regardless of race should be judged on their own merits. Positive discrimination should have no place in British society.http://www.bnp.org.uk/news/racist-cameron-insults-oxford-university-being-too-white
Ethnic minority lobbying and influence is growing daily, and should be a significant worry to all nationalists. If you love your country,culture and history, then you must defend it at all costs. The elections are rapidly approaching and all members and supporters should be out working with BNP activists to ensure a victory or a significant increase in votes in your ward. Please think about your child's or grandchild's future, what kind of country do you want them to grow up in?
Dr Sewell during the the last general election caused quite a bit controversy with the group operation Black vote,http://operationblackvote.wordpress.com/2010/09/24/sewell-blame-black-boys-for-underachievement/ when he denied that institutional racism was the reason that Black males failed to achieve in schools. The explanation for such under achievement, was the fault of poor parenting, peer pressure and the inability to be responsible for their own behaviour.
Dr Sewell also stated whilst focusing on black parents and anti racists he says:
‘Instead of challenging our children, we have given them the discourse of the victim – a sense that the world is against them and they cannot succeed.’
Lee Jasper of Operation Black Vote ( Race Campaigner, also organised Black Panther course's in the UK in the 1980's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Jasper) stated that "The reality of institutional racism is its effects in terms of economic exclusion, increases in rates of poverty and unemployment, growing racism in the dispensation of criminal justice, the scandal of the failure of poor sink schools, low teacher expectations, motivation and tenure along with the pervasive reality of racism in wider society which demonizes black children. These are the real reasons behind the educational failure of our children.”
No doubt Mr Jasper would have obtained these views, whilst working with extreme groups that he has been associated with, as with all Marxist's there has to be a deep societal explanation for a person's or groups lack of achievement or social progression, rather than it simply being the fault of the person, or characteristically a trait of a group.
So actually if you agree with Dr Sewell, rather than the extremist Jasper, has i do, it isn't discrimination or racism that is holding back black pupils, it's there own culture. The peer pressure element derives mainly from damaging elements of black inner city street culture. One only has to look at the music currently being produced in Britain and in the States for examples of that culture. Lyrics in Black street music contain mostly topics concerning drugs, guns, rape, pimps..... the list goes on. If you were take trip into most city centers and had a brief look around you would see elements of that Black street culture evident everywhere you looked, what Cameron described as "Hoodies" is the best example. It is this culture of violence, drugs and sex that is appealing more to Black male pupils, and also sadly White male pupils (who have been spoon fed the acceptance of this culture with the constant brainwashing of the mainstream media), than educational advancement. So rather than universities or the educational system failing Black pupils, is it not modern black culture that is failing them, and not just them but indigenous children as well ?
What is more worrying about this story, is that Operation Black vote are having a significant impact on the British politics. There is a constant need to consistently appeal to ethnic minority voters, who in most inner city wards have the power to alter the representation of a ward on a whim, rather than traditional or class voting allegiances as in the past. This would explain why David Cameron would attack an institution such as Oxford University, http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/240097/240097 to ferment favour with Ethnic minority groups, just in time for elections on May 5th, a coincidence? I think not.
This is a problem not just with the Conservative party but also with Labour. This is evident from Margaret Hodge's Campaign in Barking during the general election, deliberately using racial and religous tensions and the ethnic vote to her advantage. Please watch this video
In conclusion to this short article, in answer to the question is Dr Sewell biased? The answer is yes, Obviously. And this is a bias on racial grounds, Sewell is trying to further the academic performance of his racial stock, as there are only limited places at universities, this must be at the expense of our own indigenous gifted children.There is no mention of indigenous gifted working class children being groomed for the top universities, only black children. Sewell's moderate bias is much more palatable than the extreme views espoused by the organisers of Operation Black Vote ( obv.org.uk Please view this website, it is most alarming). The question, would Nick Griffin in his role as leader of the BNP, (which is the only political voice for the indigenous population of this Country) be allowed to say such things about indigenous working class children? The answer to that question would be no, it would be labelled as racist by the mainstream media and the political sheep that rule us. The view of the British national Party on this issue, is that people regardless of race should be judged on their own merits. Positive discrimination should have no place in British society.http://www.bnp.org.uk/news/racist-cameron-insults-oxford-university-being-too-white
Ethnic minority lobbying and influence is growing daily, and should be a significant worry to all nationalists. If you love your country,culture and history, then you must defend it at all costs. The elections are rapidly approaching and all members and supporters should be out working with BNP activists to ensure a victory or a significant increase in votes in your ward. Please think about your child's or grandchild's future, what kind of country do you want them to grow up in?
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Fury over inflation-busting allotment-rent rise
ANGRY gardeners who tend allotments in Hucknall have had enough after being hit with an inflation-busting rise in their rent every year for almost two decades.
Now spokesman Geoff Umney (62), of Long Hill Rise, has lambasted owner Ashfield District Council, sniping: “We feel as if the council is taking the money and we get no service in return.”
Mr Umney’s two allotments are on the High Leys site, which is accessed from Watnall Road.
The annual rent payable to the council on each of the plots is going up from £56.43 to £64.87 — a rise that comes into force today (Friday).
He has further been angered by news that, from next year, the council is scrapping a ten per cent reduction in fees available to the elderly and those on benefits.
“I am infuriated by what is happening,” said the father-of-two. “The two allotments have been in the family for 19 years. What sticks in my craw is that the rent always goes up and always by a big percentage every year.
“We get 12 months’ notice that the charge is going up but we don’t find out by how much until the bill arrives.
“There have been promises for years that the water supply will be improved but that hasn’t happened. We are paying for something we are not getting.
“There was even a government grant to improve local allotments but there has been nothing done to benefit the users here.
“Most people on the allotments are old-age pensioners. Why do we get hit so hard?”
A spokesman for Ashfield Council said: “Allotment prices are reviewed yearly and are always set 12 months in advance. All of the allotment holders were advised of the price changes taking effect one year ago.
“The prices were increased at that time due to a significant rise in water rates and therefore the additional costs needed to be covered.
“The council benchmarks the prices every year and they are comparable with other areas. It should also be noted that price changes put in place now for 2012 will only rise in line with inflation.
“The removal of the ten per cent reduction will not take effect until April 2012 and is part of a wider review of our concessions scheme. We believe that our allotments represent excellent value for money.”
Ashfield District Council,
Ashfield news,
Friday, 8 April 2011
Ashfield District Council elections 2011
The Ashfield Branch of the BNP will not be fielding candidates for Ashfield district elections this time round. The local media and the Labour party will without doubt surmise with glee that the BNP in Ashfield are dead.
Sadly for them, this is not true.
The main reason for absence of candidates is the economic situation which we as individuals are facing in these tough times.As there has to be a point where your job and your family have to come before the true nationalist cause, which for our activists has been a difficult decision to make.In the past when things were a little easier economically speaking, our candidates would accept the death threats, boycott of their businesses and intimidation of their employers by the fascist red scum ( Funded by the state and the Labour party).Often candidates would stand in a ward merely to get up the collective noses of the big three parties, but presently this cannot be done, small businesses are struggling, jobs are rare (unless your eastern European) and people everywhere not just our activists are struggling to keep their heads above water. These tough times which must be remembered, were caused by the incompetence and treacherous actions of the big three parties which has led to the destruction of our economy.
Therefore it was decided by the branch, that to fight only a piece meal campaign would appear to be a greater sign of weakness to our enemies, than not to field any candidates at all.
Although the Ashfield branch is not fielding candidates, this does not mean that our activists have deserted the cause, far from it. Ashfield's hardworking activists have been out for most of the week already helping other groups in the surrounding areas. Our activist's will be trudging the streets ( although we do have the perfect weather for it at the moment, so it hardly a chore) with groups from three other counties.
Wednesday night was spent leafleting and canvassing with the extremely active and hardworking Amber Valley team, under the superb guidance of Cllr Lewis Alsebrook and Cllr Cliff Roper. It was a very productive night, with a fantastic response from the locals. This was finished off with a well deserved pint of real ale ( locally brewed) which also allowed Ashfield activists to assist with further planning for their election campaign.
Today I have been out in Lincolnshire with the East Lindsey branch leafleting/canvassing the contested wards there. It is truly a two horse race in those wards between the BNP and the Conservatives, Dhimmi Dave has seriously damaged their once Conservative heartland.
I will again be meeting up with this branch over the following weekends to discuss their election strategy, it is a real honour to meet such hardworking patriots.
Ashfield's super activist and branch organiser Edward Holmes will be taking a team out to help out in various areas of Leicestershire, we will hopefully get to work alongside the extremely dedicated Cllr Cathy Duffy.
Plans are already in motion for a mass recruitment campaign across Ashfield in the summer months, along with a number of social events.
So far from the BNP being dead, actually we are very much alive and kicking. Tensions created in the party by state subversion and discontented members with their own agendas have actually created a tighter party in our area.
Although, the number of candidates is down in the East Midlands, the bonds between the various groups are getting stronger. I am in no doubt that when the Euro elections are upon us, this increased cooperation will lead to the party's success in the East Midlands.
What I actually see happening with the party at the moment is akin to what happened to the British army at Dunkirk. We are being driven back and made to retreat by a fascist state (sadly our own), but exactly as what happened then will happen now, we will regroup and consolidate our resources, our leaders will deploy new strategies. We shall then fight back, win lost ground and take our fight in to the heartlands of our enemies and win.
We shall never surrender!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Daily Express encourages the acceleration of the destruction of our race
Street Celebrations In southall 2011

An example of a street party in 1953 for Queen Elizabeth's Coronation
Millions around the Globe will be tuning in to watch the royal wedding. A day that should be filled with much joy and jubiliation is now tainted in my eyes by this Daily Express Article. This article refers to the photograph of the immigrant street party in Southall London in honour of the royal wedding.
MILLIONS around the globe will watch as Prince William marries Kate Middleton four weeks from now and many people are planning parties to mark the occasion. However, the big day will have special meaning for the residents of Clarence Street in Southall, west London.
Kate’s great-grandparents Stephen Goldsmith, a labourer, and his wife Edith lived there in the Thirties and her grandfather Ronald was born in their two-storey terraced house.
He married Dorothy Harrison in 1953 and they are believed to have lived in the area during their first years of marriage. Sadly, both died in the last decade.
Running off Clarence Street is Spencer Street, with Queens Road nearby, the names hinting at the area’s royal connection, and the community has decided to throw a huge street party to mark its part in Kate’s family history.
Hundreds of members of the now largely Punjabi community of Southall will wear colourful traditional costumes for the vibrant celebration.
Historian George Twyman says the royal wedding has struck a chord with families living in the area through the humble origins of Kate’s family who, on her mother’s side, were miners and labourers just a few generations ago. “It is rare that someone with a background from such a low class can become a future Queen,” he says. “Everyone in Southall can identify with the commoner in Kate’s family history, which is why everyone is getting behind the street party.”
Mohammed Dogar, 37, a father-of-two who works as a courier, said: “Our street having a royal connection is a magic feeling. It will come alive on that day as we feel we have now been invited to join in with the wedding celebrations.” Student Sharan Bhambra, 18, agreed: “This party will be a great way of bringing the whole community together. Opportunities like this do not come along very often.”
Kashmir Panue, 63, said: “Kate and William are a nice couple so we all want to celebrate their wedding and wish them a happy life together.”
Father-of-three Avtar Chand, 46, who works at nearby Heathrow Airport, added: “We hope everyone from across Southall will come to the party and help make our street famous throughout Britain.”
Twyman’s research has confirmed that Kate’s great-grandparents lived in Clarence Street and also in neighbouring Dudley Road and Hartington Road.
He said: “Nothing like this party has ever happened in Southall before, which has always been a poor relation to the suburb of nearby Ealing.
“Kate’s great-grandparents lived in a working class area where families struggled against poverty on a daily basis, and pawn shops did a roaring trade.” At the start of the last century Southall had a mainly white working class population. It attracted a large number of Irish and Welsh migrants in the Twenties and Thirties, who worked in its brickmaking industry and on the canal connecting the town to London.
It was around this time Kate’s maternal great-grandfather Thomas Harrison bought a one-way ticket from Sunderland to London after deciding not to follow his father down the pit as a miner.
He settled in Southall with his wife Elizabeth and they had two daughters, Ruth and Dorothy.
Dorothy married Ronald Goldsmith two months after the Queen’s coronation in 1953. He was an engineer but started working as a builder later in life to cash in on a property boom and start the family’s climb up the social ladder.
Their daughter Carole Goldsmith, Kate’s mother, was born at Perivale Hospital in Middlesex but moved to Berkshire after marrying flight dispatcher Michael Middleton, eventually settling in Bucklebury.
Southall had an influx of Asian immigrants in the Fifties when a former British Army officer, who fought in Burma during the Second World War, opened a rubber factory, making parts for the motor industry. It is now one of the largest Indian communities outside of India, and is largely made up of Hindus and Sikhs.
London Mayor Boris Johnson said: “This party sounds like a fabulous event and is exactly the sort of community spirit and celebration I have been trying to enthuse in people across the city. I wish all the residents of Clarence Street and the thousands who will be taking part in parties across London a truly brilliant day.”
Extreme left wing Scum labelled "Demo 18" are wanted by the Police
Contact the police team on 020 8246 9386 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/238371/Demo-18-hunted-by-policeDemo-18-hunted-by-police#ixzz1IUovdhiE
PICTURES of 18 people hunted by police after last Saturday’s spending cuts protest in London turned violent were issued by police yesterday.Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/238371/Demo-18-hunted-by-policeDemo-18-hunted-by-police#ixzz1IUovdhiE
More than 140 people have already been charged after demonstrators ran amok in the West End.
Officers have sifted through CCTV images recorded as the mobs attacked police officers, injuring 56, smashed glass doors and windows, and sprayed buildings with paint.
Det. Supt Matthew Horne, who is leading the investigation after the protest was hijacked by extremist groups, said: “We are working tirelessly to identify those responsible for appalling acts of criminal behaviour.
“The vast majority of people came peacefully but a significant minority didn’t. With the public’s help they will be called to account for their actions.”
Hucknall's Forgotten Heroes
Hucknall’s forgotten heroes
Published on Sunday 3 April 2011 09:30
THE NAMES of 100 brave men from Hucknall who gave their lives fighting for their country in the First World War are missing from the town’s war memorial, the Dispatch can exclusively reveal.
The soldiers have now been dubbed ‘Hucknall’s forgotten heroes’.
An investigation launched by the town’s branch of the Royal British Legion and leading member Mick Howard has unearthed the travesty.
Now a call has been made for the men to be honoured with a new plaque added to the Hucknall cenotaph, which stands proudly in Titchfield Park as a monument to the town’s war dead.
“These are 100 names that deserve recognition,” said Mr Howard, who is a retired Army Major.
“I was absolutely astounded when I realised how many names were actually missing from the memorial. These are men who were all born in Hucknall or lived in the town at the time of enlistment.
“I don’t know the reason why their names are not on the cenotaph. But I think the focus now should be on rectifying that mistake and paying a fitting tribute to their memory.”
Last year, the Dispatch backed a campaign, launched by Mr Howard, to unearth the names of all Hucknall men and women killed in conflicts since 1945.
This followed a realisation that were no inscriptions on Hucknall cenotaph relating to the last 56 years. The only names related to the two World Wars.
This is despite 1968 being the only year British troops haven’t been involved in some conflict around the globe since World War Two.
In 2009, a plaque was added to the memorial to honour Lance Corporal Paul Sandford, of Hucknall, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2007.
And last year, the names of Private Ronald Shilton, who was killed in Cyprus in 1957, and Corporal Colin Housley, who died in Malaya in 1953, were also added.
But then a mystery was uncovered that stemmed from the theft of a plaque from the memorial in the early 1990s.
It was replaced by Ashfield District Council but the name of Sgt Stephen Lee, of the 13th Battalion Rifle Brigade, who was killed on April 28 1917, during World War One, was still missing.
The soldier’s daughter made the discovery when taking her own daughter to the park to see the name on the cenotaph.
This was relayed to Mr Howard, who began to suspect other names were missing. He got in touch with Hucknall man Jim Grundy, who helped with the research.
In turn, inquiries were made through the publication ‘Soldiers Died In The Great War 1921’, which is 80 volumes long and features 800,000 names. Records held by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission were also checked.
Among the names discovered are those who were killed in action, some who died after the war from wounds inflicted during bloody battles, men killed in accidents and even some who died from problems, such as disease, unrelated to enemy engagement.
Men from a vast array of regiments are included, ranging from the King’s Royal Rifle Corps to the Sherwood Foresters, Coldstream Guards, Royal Scotts Fusiliers and Lincolnshire Regiment, among others.
Mr Howard said: “The important thing is that the names are all verifiable. There is no grey area. These are all heroes connected to Hucknall.
“These are literally Hucknall’s forgotten heroes. There will be some amazing stories behind their exploits on the front line and in service.
“The least we can do is honour their memory by having their names included on the cenotaph.”
The aim now is to seek funding, which is likely to amount to several thousands of pounds, to have the names inscribed on a new plaque for the cenotaph.
This may involve a public appeal for donations.
A spokesman for Ashfield District Council, which maintains the cenotaph in Hucknall, said: “We pay respect and recognise the efforts of our fallen soldiers of the district.
“In recognition, we have, in recent years, set aside additional funds which have gone towards various restoration works to the cenotaph.
“The council has an ongoing positive relationship with the Royal British Legion and has worked closely with the organisation on numerous projects in the past.
“The council is aware of the names that have been discovered and will be working in partnership with the Legion to consider what options are possible.”
Source: http://www.hucknalldispatch.co.uk/news/local-news/hucknall_s_forgotten_heroes_1_3246004
If anyone would like to make a donation towards the new plaque Hucknall British Legion can be contacted with this address:
The Royal British Legion
141 Beardall St
Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 7RA
0115 952 1067
Ashfield news,
War heroes
RAF faces Pilot shortage
British Royal Air Force has faced shortage of pilots for the military action in Libya as the government applied defence budget cuts to the front-line.
The lack of qualified fighter pilots is so serious that the RAF started to teach trainee Typhoon pilots and let the instructors to go to the front line.
Because of the defence budget cut over the past ten years, the number of Typhoon pilots has remained low.
The British government has decided to decommission HMS Ark Royal, Harrier jets and the Nimrod reconnaissance aircraft, which only would make the situation worse for they played role in Libya crisis.
“We have a declining pool of pilots,” one Libya serving RAF pilot said. “There's less people to do twice as much work. If we are not training any more we are going to run out of personnel very soon.”
“There is a great concern in Parliament about the Government's cuts to RAF pilots. We would be very worried if government cuts were to impede future operations,” Jim Murphy, the shadow defence secretary, said.
The shortage of Typhoon pilots is a big embarrassment for the government as they were forced to postpone scrapping warships in Libyan crisis.
Air Commodore Andrew Lambert, a former RAF pilot who served in Bosnia and Iraq war, said the operation in Libya could become shaky.
“We should put a halt to all defence cuts,” he said. “It does not make sense. The world is getting less stable and if the Government cannot see that, we have a problem bordering on the irresponsible.”
Cameron's warmongering stretches the Armed forces to the limit
The former British chief of the defence has warned that Libya's crisis spread British armed forces “very thin” and put the army under pressure.
Air Chief Marshal Jock Stirrup said Britain is facing “grave dangers” by spreading in both Afghanistan and Libya.
He called for the government to find a political resolution in Libya urgently to take the pressure off the British army.
"We have to think very carefully about the consequences of our continuing military involvement in Libya," the former RAF commander said in the House of Lords.
"Although Afghanistan has been pushed off the front pages for the moment, it still consumes a great deal of our military capacity.
"What little we have had left in the locker over the past couple of years for dealing with other contingencies has consisted mainly of air and maritime capabilities. These have largely been consumed by the Libya operation, so that locker is now looking pretty bare. Yet we still face huge risks."
Lord Stirrup warned of the potential threat to Britain by other Middle East countries and the difficulty the military would face to confront the new crisis.
"Our military intervention, although not designed to oust Gaddafi, can end only with his removal," he added.
"In view of the risks elsewhere, in view of the grave dangers to us should such risks materialise and in view of the degree to which we have now drawn down on our military account, we have yet one more reason for placing the very highest degree of urgency on finding a political resolution to this crisis as soon as possible."
Britain’s Armed Forces Have No Cash, but Billions Still Set Aside for Foreign Aid
Britain’s armed forces are now so underfunded that they are incapable of properly defending this country — but the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) current deficit is only 5.5 percent of the ConDem regime’s “ring fenced” foreign aid budget.
The confession that Britain was no longer able to defend herself adequately was made by ConDem Defence Secretary Liam Fox in an interview with a newspaper.
His admission followed a National Audit Office report earlier this week which found that the Ministry of Defence was already £500 million over budget for the current financial year with “insufficient funds to meet planned expenditure.”
It is projected that at as many as 30,000 servicemen will lose their jobs as the ministry meets ConDem budget cuts which entail a 25 percent “saving.”
Mr Fox said that the “state of the public finances meant Britain could no longer be protected from every conceivable threat.”
In addition, Mr Fox announced that plans to buy hi-tech naval warships and RAF transporter planes could be put on indefinite hold.
“We don't have the money as a country to protect ourselves against every potential future threat,” he told a newspaper.
The war in Afghanistan costs in excess of £5 billion per year, ten times as much as the MoD deficit, while the foreign aid budget runs at £9.1 billion.
In the distorted world of Mr Fox and his allies, it is more important to fight a war in Afghanistan which has nothing to do with Britain (and in fact increases terrorism in this country) than to make sure that our own borders are adequately protected.
The British National Party argues that all foreign wars should be halted unless there is a direct British interest involved, that foreign aid be halted and that British tax money be spent on Britain first.
The BNP’s 2010 manifesto spelled out the party’s priorities with regard to defence:
Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy
* The BNP will end the involvement of British troops in the Afghanistan war.
* The BNP will not allow British forces to become involved in a war against Iran.
* The BNP will withdraw our troops from Germany.
* The BNP will renegotiate our presence in NATO.
* The BNP will raise Defence spending by one percent over the rate of inflation for the next five years.
* The BNP will institute a Community Award Scheme for young people.
Source: http://www.bnp.org.uk/news/britain%E2%80%99s-armed-forces-have-no-cash-billions-still-set-aside-foreign-aid
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