Sunday, 17 April 2011

Are schools failing Black pupils or is Black culture failing pupils?

Dr Tony Sewell
Black pupils are missing out on places at top universities, not because of discrimination as argued by David Cameron, but because state schools aren't giving Black pupils the correct skills for University interviews. Obviously Dr Tony Sewell is completely unbiased, and thats why the mainstream media is reporting his findings, or his he?

Dr Sewell is director of London based charity Generating Genius, which aims to get  working class black and mixed race kids into higher education. Dr Sewell also supports the Hutchinson Foundation "The Hutchinson Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organisation founded to provide financial support for male teachers from African-Caribbean origins. The object is to increase the numbers of these teachers, who are able to provide positive role models to young black males at a critical time in their development.

These boys have been identified as one the most alienated groups within our society and progress in this area has the potential to dramatically improve the lives of the individuals involved, as well as providing benefits to schools and society in general".
The reason Dr Sewell supports the Hutchinson Foundation  "Black students are 3 times more likely to be excluded from school, than other groups, more black young men go to prison than University. In the face of these alarming statistics, it is evident that we need more black male teachers. This scholarship is a fantastic idea and will certainly help to turnaround the tide of under achievement."

Dr Sewell during the the last general election caused quite a bit controversy with the group operation Black vote, when  he denied that institutional racism was the reason that Black males failed to achieve in schools. The explanation for such under achievement, was the fault of poor parenting, peer pressure and the inability to be responsible for their own behaviour.

Dr Sewell also stated whilst focusing on black parents and anti racists he says:

‘Instead of challenging our children, we have given them the discourse of the victim – a sense that the world is against them and they cannot succeed.’

Lee Jasper of Operation Black Vote ( Race Campaigner, also organised Black Panther course's in the UK in the 1980's stated that  "The reality of institutional racism is its effects in terms of economic exclusion, increases in rates of poverty and unemployment, growing racism in the dispensation of criminal justice, the scandal of the failure of poor sink schools, low teacher expectations, motivation and tenure along with the pervasive reality of racism in wider society which demonizes black children. These are the real reasons behind the educational failure of our children.”  
No doubt Mr Jasper would have obtained these views, whilst working with extreme groups that he has been associated with, as with all Marxist's there has to be a deep societal explanation for a person's or groups lack of achievement or social progression, rather than it simply being the fault of the person, or characteristically a trait of a group.  

So actually if you agree with Dr Sewell, rather than the extremist Jasper, has i do, it isn't discrimination or racism that is holding back black pupils, it's there own culture. The peer pressure element derives mainly from damaging elements of black inner city street culture. One only has to look at the music currently being produced in Britain and in the States for examples of that culture. Lyrics in Black street music contain mostly topics concerning drugs, guns, rape, pimps..... the list goes on. If you were take trip into most city centers and had a brief look around you would see elements of that Black street culture evident everywhere you looked, what Cameron described as "Hoodies" is the best example. It is this culture of violence, drugs and sex that is appealing more to Black male pupils, and also sadly White male pupils (who have been spoon fed the acceptance of this culture with the constant brainwashing of the mainstream media), than educational advancement. So rather than universities or the educational system failing Black pupils, is it not modern black culture that is failing them, and not just them but indigenous children as well ? 

What is more worrying about this story, is that Operation Black vote are  having a significant impact on the British politics. There is a constant need to consistently appeal to ethnic minority voters, who in most inner city wards have the power to alter the representation of a ward on a whim,  rather than traditional or class voting allegiances as in the past. This would explain why David Cameron would attack an institution such as Oxford University, to ferment favour with Ethnic minority groups, just in time for elections on May 5th, a coincidence? I think not.

This is a problem not just with the Conservative party but also with Labour. This is evident from Margaret Hodge's Campaign in Barking during the general election, deliberately using racial and religous tensions and the ethnic vote to her advantage. Please watch this video

In conclusion to this short article, in answer to the question is Dr Sewell biased? The answer is yes, Obviously. And this is a bias on racial grounds, Sewell is trying to further the academic performance of his racial stock, as there are only limited places at universities, this must be at the expense of our own indigenous gifted children.There is no mention of indigenous gifted working class children being groomed for the top universities, only black children. Sewell's moderate bias is much more palatable than the extreme views espoused by the organisers of Operation Black Vote ( Please view this website, it is most alarming). The question, would Nick Griffin in his role as leader of the BNP, (which is the only political voice for the indigenous population of this Country) be allowed to say such things about indigenous working class children? The answer to that question would be no, it would be labelled as racist by the mainstream media and the political sheep that rule us. The view of the British national Party on this issue, is that people regardless of race should be judged on their own merits. Positive discrimination should have no place in British society.

Ethnic minority lobbying and influence is growing daily, and should be a significant worry to all nationalists. If you love your country,culture and history, then you must defend it at all costs. The elections are rapidly approaching and all members and supporters should be out working with BNP activists to ensure a victory or a significant increase in votes in your ward. Please think about your child's or grandchild's future, what kind of country do you want them to grow up in?

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