Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Labour Leader Ed Miliband forced to make national apology for Keir Morris Labour's Ashfield Candidates

" A Generation of Trade Unionists will Dance on Thatcher's Grave", that is the slogan printed on Hucknall East Labour candidate Keir Morrison's t-shirt.
Red Ed's spokesman was forced to make a grovelling apology, claiming that the Labour leader would not have knowlingly posed with the offensive message. Also adding that the Labour leader condemns the t-shirt and the sentiment behind it.

*Update* This story made Radio 5 Live, Red Ed was forced to apologise again " I would strongly advise him not to wear that T-shirt. I don’t like that T-shirt. I meet hundreds of people up and down the country and I don’t inspect every T-shirt, but I deplore the sentiments. I don’t think you should dance on anyone’s grave … We have talked to [Morrison] and he knows it is not the kind of T-shirt we want our councillors to be wearing".

Do you think this is acceptable behaviour from a potential Labour councillor, whose job it would be to represent the population of Hucknall East ward?
Imagine for a second if a BNP candidate wore an offensive tshirt and was pictured with Nick griffin, there would be cross party condemnation of such a candidate, followed by demands that the candidate step down. This should be happening now to Keir Morrison.
Keir Morrison has caused embarrasment for the people of Ashfield, and in Hucknall in particular.
But its not the first time that the Labour party has sullied the name of Ashfield, with the antics of Geoff "The Buffoon" Hoon. And also during the last general election with Gloria De Piero, with the popular press chants of "Gloria Gloria where are you Gloria" because of her blatant lack of presence within Ashfield during the run up to the election.
The Labour party cannot be trusted with power because of their tendency to support extreme left wing militancy. Therefore on May the 5th firstly vote no to AV and secondly avoid the mainstream parties and vote for independent candidates in Ashfield.

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