Saturday 9 October 2010

Judges told not to call gypsies, wait for it...... Gypsies

Judges have been told not to call Gypsies, "Gypsies" because of the potential to offend the so called travelling community. The guidelines are produced by the judicial studies board, to comply with the Equality bill.
Leaders from the Gypsy community have highlighted the fact that Gypsies are actually proud of being labelled as gypsies.
By labelling Gypsies as the travelling community, the judicial system is ignoring the fact that there are different races within the Gypsy community.
This is yet another example of the Marxist elements in influential positions within the state, using Orwellian big brother style re-education programs.
In the guide ( equal treatment bench book) judges and magistrates are warned they must ‘recognise and eliminate’ their personal prejudices. The book provides a list of people who may be ‘socially and economically disadvantaged’ and need special help to ensure they are treated fairly.

These are listed as ethnic minorities, minority faith groups, people with disabilities, women, children, older people, gays and lesbians, transgender people and ‘those who through poverty or for any other reason are socially or economically marginalised’.

Yet again sensitivities of the minority must ride rough shod over the wishes of the majority indigenous population of this nation. Many in this country are fed up with the gypsy community moving on to their village greens and supermarket car parks, and the police being powerless to remove them, because of laws such as the Equality Bill.

I never thought I would I would ever hear myself saying this, but well done to the French. Who in September started to deport some of the Roma Gypsy community because of a shocking 358% increase in Gypsy related crime. Obviously the over used and farcical Nazi smear was used against the French nation, specifically by the far left EU chief Viviane Reding, who called on the EU to impose sanctions of France for this perfectly legal deportation action.

The legal status of Gypsies from Romania and Bulgaria — who are the centre of the storm — is governed by EU regulations which state that if a non-Schengen area national has been in an EU state for more than three months and has no job or no proof of substantial means on which to support themselves, they can be deported at any moment.

If the Travelling community want to take advantage of our soft touch nation, then they must become like the rest of us: Law abiding, employed and paying their dues to the state coffers.

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