Saturday 12 March 2011

David Cameron pursues Labour's "Democracy Crusade", How many British lives will be lost this time?

I welcome the news today that EU leaders rebuffed Cameron's plans to create an internationally enforced no fly zone against Libya.
The Prime Minister warned Europe that  more must be done, which could include bombing Libyan air fields. This  in Cameron's words is needed to stop Gaddafi rampaging against his own people. Now I am not in support of President Gaddafi, as we all know he was a huge arms supplier to the IRA. But when Cameron states that he is rampaging against his own people,  we expect to see your average citizen armed with a placard or at the most a stone. Which was the scene in Egypt and the like recently, but in Libya the " people" are armed with anti-aircraft guns and in one picture that I have seen even a tank. Rather than this being a campaign against the Libyan people, is it  rather a campaign against a rebel group trying to usurp the leader and administration of an independent sovereign state.
The intervention against Cameron's sabre rattling was led by Labour peer Lady Ashton ( ex-CND treasurer and communist), who you may remember was in the headlines in November 2009 when Tony Blair was attempting to become President of the EU Council. When the EU resoundingly resisted Blair's intentions,  Gordon Brown had to "reluctantly" accept the British only receiving the position of  High Representative for EU foreign affairs and security policy given to Lady Ashton ( in which she was woefully under qualified).
There are probably two main reasons that she objected to her own government's proposals. The first being that Lady Ashton and the Labour Party would not want David Cameron to be portrayed as the western saviour of the Libyan people, which in light of what her aide described as " headline grabbing desperation"by Cameron, would seem to be a prime reason.
The second reason is also that as representative of the Labour government which in the last decade has had it's fair share of sabre rattling in the apparent crusade of democracy (in which it sadly Labour denied to its own people i.e referendums on the Lisbon treaty and whether Britain wanted mass colonization) she is fully aware of what catastrophic mistakes these democracy crusades are.
But even if Cameron's proposals were actually acted upon by the EU, what exactly could the EU as a military force actually do? As can be seen from the dismal effort in Afghanistan by the main EU military powers (except Britain), they are very reluctant to put their own personnel's lives at risk or to contemplate the use of their very expensive equipment. Therefore Cameron can try as much has he likes to convince the EU to agree to a no fly zone but militarily rather than morally the EU could not agree to a no fly zone or to enforce it. The EU military body can only be propelled by America, so as usual EU moralist's must wait upon the decisions of the American's as to whether they will flex their military muscle.
This also goes to show how monumentally short sighted it was and is for the ConLib regime to slaughter our armed forces in the cutbacks to fund foreign aid.

There are three options available to interventionists:-
1) Apply trade sanctions, which must also include the west banning oil imports from Libya
2) Military intervention
3) Allowing the peoples of Libya to decide their own destiny and to achieve it on their own

The sanctions against Iraq during the Saddam era proves that trade sanctions will not oust a leader, and the west can not suspend it's addiction to oil.Therefore this should not be an option, as it can only really harm the Libyan people. It also makes western crusaders look hypocritical " You are a human rights abuser and we dont like you, but we want your oil".
Military intervention is only an option if America decides it is, this will depend on how much time it will take for them to get their resources in place so they can extract oil ( their main motivation).
The only option that i can see that could be successful is to let Libya decide it's own fate. If the people truly wish to overthrow their dictator they will succeed in the end, Gaddafi could never really regain control even if the rebels are crushed. Rebel areas will never be able to effectively administered again , because without doubt there will be a protracted guerrilla campaign until he is overthrown.
This article was written to promote the opinion that the west's reaction to the Libyan crisis is not concerned with the human rights of those poor people but ultimately about gaining access to Libyan oil. The west knows that a new revolutionary government would be easier to control and manipulate than a dictorial regime, which explains why the UK has sent in diplomats with the SAS. This is to foster that manipulation at the embryonic stages of this revolutionary movement.
Another point i wish to make concerns the sheer hypocrisy of David Cameron. As many of you know Cameron is one of the founding members of the UAF, which as a militant extremist organisation uses physical violence against the BNP which is a legitimate political party. If that is not enough, the BNP also faces active state subversion of our party, be it through tax payer funded infiltrators or government quangos to destroy the party. David Cameron and the Foreign office actively condemn and indeed invade countries that use violence and state intimidation against political parties and deny the people a voice, but that is exactly what the British state is doing here now.
If in the future a nationalist rebel group sought to overthrow our repressive socialist state, would the likes of Cameron simply say yes lets allow them peacefully to overthrow our undemocratic political system? One would doubt that, as already we the BNP a legitimate political have had everything thrown at us to destroy us other than sending in the army to kill us off.
David Cameron should devote his time to repairing our failed democratic system, supposedly the envy of the world, but is in fact no better than a third world banana state.

Nick Griffin gave this statement:
‘It’s beyond madness,’ said Mr. Griffin, talking to journalists in Brussels. ‘It’s up to the Libyans to decide whether they want to be ruled by an elderly kleptomaniac sex addict or by the Islamists who will emerge as the strongest force among the rebels. But either way, regime change in Libya is not worth the bones of one single British soldier or airman.

‘For Cameron to fantasise about imposing a no-fly zone on Libya while simultaneously slashing the RAF is particularly crazy. With a ConDem closure of RAF Leuchars and Kinloss, the stark reality is that the only air force David Cameron is going to destroy is Britain’s.

‘If Cameron and his American puppet-masters do invade Libya, the British National Party will immediately launch a high-profile high-street campaign to focus popular rejection of such warmongering lunacy, and against the crippling Oil Shock fuel prices that will get even worse if the US further enrages the Arab world by openly trying to steal their oil

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