Thursday 31 March 2011

Truth about the Cuts

By Maid of Kent – In the aftermath of the anti-cuts demonstration in central London and the ensuing riots caused by militant left-wing anarchists, it is imperative that the British people are told the truth behind the cynical manipulation of facts by the Lib/Lab/Con cabal who with their identical policies have caused the abysmal economic decline of our country, which has resulted in mounting anger among the British people.

In a country with rising unemployment, rising taxation and rising prices, this anger is justified, but until a political party addresses the real causes of the problems that have led to the situation that many Britons find themselves in today, we cannot hope to find and offer any solutions.

While the LibCon government cynically announce their programme of government spending cuts, which they proclaim will reduce our debt, when the truth is that the massive public sector burden will be reduced by a paltry 3% over a four-year period, the ‘opposition’ Labour party cynically condemns the ‘massive’ and ‘draconian’ cuts as an attack on the prosperity of the British nation and people.

While the British National Party has indicated many areas of government spending, like foreign aid, that can easily be cut without any detrimental effect on the British people, to address the issue comprehensively and honestly in order to produce real solutions, we have to examine the whole edifice of public sector spending, starting with the highly relevant question of why it has risen to such astounding amounts in recent years.

After decades of Lib/Lab/Con government-controlled mismanagement that have seen British industry destroyed, with the result that whole communities have lost any economic relevance and had their members thrown on to welfare subsistence for life, decades that have seen education standards fall to such abysmal levels that millions of British children have no reasonable hope of employment, and decades that have seen welfare payments overtake the basic wages of ordinary workers, we find ourselves in the situation where too many Britons rely on state benefits to live, which in itself has caused a large growth in state costs.

Aside from this staggering mismanagement of Britain by successive Lib/Lab/Con governments stretching back over decades in areas relating to jobs, welfare and education, there is one element of mismanagement which has enabled all of the others, namely mass immigration, and in particular the mass immigration of poor unskilled people from the Third World.

Apart from the real public services cost increases incurred by successive British Lib/Lab/Con governments and their mass immigration policies, whereby they import foreign workers while British workers are assigned to lives on benefits, and have even created unnecessary public sector jobs for immigrants to fill, and where they have increased demand on public services like education and the health service through the sheer numbers of immigrants allowed into Britain, there are many areas of increased public sector spending caused by mass immigration which are hidden or disguised.

Using their mass immigration ‘remedy’, successive Lib/Lab/Con governments have been able to ignore the appalling decline in education standards for British children with the knowledge that they will supplement a shortfall of reasonably educated British workers with imported replacements. That many British children will then face a life of welfare dependency is of no consequence to these politicians, even though the cost of keeping generations of Britons on welfare has added to the unaffordable costs of state spending.

In addition, we cannot ignore the tremendous and hidden cost increases in public sector spending caused by this mass immigration, which has resulted in the attendant creation of equality schemes, English-language teaching and translation services and a host of special programmes catering to the different communities now resident in Britain.

However, one of the largest single reasons behind the explosive growth in public sector spending is the effect that mass immigration has had on the cost of providing services like the NHS and welfare, and the subsequent and hidden costs of abuse of these services.

When the NHS and the Welfare State were founded, based on the Christian ethics prevalent in Britain and the population at that time, there were no real checks established on the use of these services, the understood principle being that the British people would use their moral sense of fair play and honesty to police themselves and that they would not abuse these services.

This accepted attitude towards the use of public services was taken for granted by successive British governments who, while anticipating that there would be a small section of society who would likely abuse these public-provided services, did not anticipate that the country would soon be flooded with people from different cultures who would not share our principles and attitudes towards the use of public services and that with different ethical codes and from countries where corruption is endemic, would foster a growth of use and abuse.

Since the start of mass immigration, we have seen not only a huge growth in the costs of providing public services caused by the importation of millions of extra people and a huge growth in net costs because the majority of those people are poor and unskilled so need to use those services disproportionately in relation to what they pay into the system, there has been a huge growth in the costs of those services due to corruption and abuse by people who do not practice the principles of honesty and fairness that need to be adhered to for the services to remain affordable.

With the introduction of health tourism, which alone is estimated to cost Britain £200 million every year, the fraudulent claims of residency by foreigners to access free health care and benefits, the bogus claims of so-called asylum seekers and the many benefit scams operated by foreigners – all allowed or legitimised by the Lib/Lab/Con governments – it is quite easy to see why the cost of state-provided services has risen to the current unaffordable and bankrupting levels


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